Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Phat Tuesdays
Carl, Taylor, Leah, Shannon, Dan, Jessie, Karen
Great day....we've finished insulating all the walls in the house. This afternoon we had to go load 50-60 12 ft. sheets of drywall from the loading dock onto a truck and Bill's trailer.....then we had to unload them and put them in the house. Tomorrow we will miss Carl as he flies back to St. Louis for a quick job interview.......we get to drywall the ceilings. We'll be getting our leader back tomorrow night.
What a great crew we have!

Kickin Chickens

Today we started painting our purple and gold (LSU) colored porch and nearly finished laying flooring in the living room. Lauren and Lois taught DeShaundra (the youngest in the house) how to play with sidewalk chalk and paint with water. Some how DeShaundra still had gold paint on her shirt before she went on to Bible School. Austin, Lauren & Brad worked hard painting outside with Lois and Tad all day. We still have the purple floor and black steps to finish. Kathy and Cory worked on the flooring -- with the right tools jobs can really be finished quicker. Our family has quite the story to tell. It is good to be working for a great family. One of the highlights was our inside picnic together as a team and family at lunch. Angelica (the other young girl in the family) blessed our food and our fellowship.

Tad, Lois, Kathy, Cory, Lauren, Austin & Brad

The Phat Tuesdays

Greetings from our team of insulation and drywall workers. The lovely lady who owns our house, Antoinette, has many delightful children and grandchildren, including a little boy who does Michael Jackson routines. But she also has somebody else chained up in the backyard -- a big, black wolf-looking dog named, what else, Charlie. Charlie is pretty scary, but he's more scared of us than we are of him. This morning (Tuesday), I unlocked the front door, opened it a little and the first thing I saw was Charlie's big teeth looking back at me. I shut the door fast. Antoinette's daughter keeps him in the house at night for security, and she had slept late and forgot to go and chain him up. Fortunately, Antoinette's son soon came by to take care of Charlie for us. Later that day, Dan Gardner actually made friends with Charlie. Not me! --- Carl Green

Heaven Helpers

We had a fairly unusual prayer tour on Sunday night, due to having to make side visits to every place that Jack and Tamra ever saw, visited, lived in, or enjoyed.

Yesterday, after orientation, we got our house. The lady we are helping turned over every penny of her insurance money to an unscrupulous "contractor", handing him a $90,000.00 cashier's check in the full expectation of having her house rebuilt. He was so excited to get that money in hand, that he didn't even bother to haul off his tool trailer. Guess he figured he could outfit a whole new rig in the Bahamas!!!

Our homeowner has four children, and has adopted the four children of her deceased sister. They are currently packed into rental housing in Houston, praying to be able to return home after four long years.

Dathan and Vicki are laying laminated wooden flooring, everyone else is hanging doors. This work is not as easy as it might be, because none of the walls or flooring is true or straight, so everything requires patience and extra adjustments. Breezy has had gotten to make mud pies, otherwise known as filling in the floor tiles with grout.

Fortunately, we are a mellow lot, and take our fortunes pretty much as they come. We don't get too worked up about the challenges, just adds a little spice to life and gives us plenty of "hunger sauce" to serve with dinner.

We are very conscious of the gift we are preparing; and the gifts of the spirit that are growing in us, as we progress.

It is nice being able to work indoors out of the sun, but we still get the full New Orleans humidity experience. We could easily wring enough drinking water out of our clothes, if it was only potable...but it's actually quite unattractively SPICY!!!

The online voice of "Heaven Helpers"

We are Mark Loucks, Jack Spudich, Vicki Daggett, Breezy Blanton, Jordan Kellerstrasse, and Dathan Rivera.

We had an uneventful bus trip, except Mark was caught with the "Kickin' Chickens" mascot. Mark swears he was framed. The poor bandaged bird is once again missing. Mission work can be hazardous.

At our first "real food" stop, Jordan was gently persuaded to follow her yen to try frog legs. They are not going to be her favorite food, but she was glad she had the chance to try something truly exotic for her. Jordan is not going to be a seafood afficianado, but she is a very good sport.

More to come...

Heaven's Little Helpers....

Six of Hearts day 3

Day 3

Morale high.

After the usual morning (up at 7 followed by a light breakfast) along with a few complications, we proceeded to go to the workplace. We again coated the walls with "mud", put the foundations for new walls on, and found that the owner of the house owned two dogs. (later we learned their names to be Eve and Nana).

Work went along normally, with the exception that Alex L. and the Queen thought of bringing along a radio for entertainment as we worked. We are working on a small compartment that shall soon be a bathroom, and after removing the old wall, we put in a new kind, and with the exclusion of a ceiling, the room is ready for phase 2.

Around the time we were putting on the second wall, the owner came in. He is a large man, answering to the name of Stan. He is a dog breeder, and a grass cutter. He appreciates the work we are doing, and personally we hope we can continue doing this work for the people of NOLA, Uncle Sam, God, and Jesus Christ.


Blackjack out.